Academy Rules
You may join us before 85 lvl. Community - English and Bulgarian. ParadiseWarriors - Clan lvl 8 Full Skils PVE not War. Academy name BabyWarriors.
When you finish forth class transfer, you will receive up to 15kk reward from the clan if you coplete it in a week and 10kk if you coplete it in two weeks. If you need more time finish academy - reward -50 %.
Our clan will protect you and help you with class change quests. You have to put all collected mats in CWH withought pieces and recipes.
If you have other questions feel free to ask the Clan Lider.
Have Fun !

About Reward: your reward depends  on the Clan Reputation Points you will contribute to the clan, respect your join lvl

before 40 lvl - 10kk
50-60 - 8
60-70 - 6
70-80 - 4
80-84 - 2
coplete quest Come to me /70-74 lvl/ + 5kk

You may stay in academy for no more than one mounth, after that you will be dismissed.



! ParadiseWarriors Recruit serious players 1-84 lvl - for Academy



! ParadiseWarriors Recruit serious players 85-99 lvl - for RoyalGuard











